Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Incest survivor

Growing up with no escape.

I am an incest survivor.  Survived my childhood, survived my teen years, survived my twenties and all the years since.  Celebrating birthdays feeling numb and surprised to still be alive. Year after year I felt I  die or be killed before my next birthday.

Yet as thankful as I am to be alive the term, survivor, reminds me of the trauma of my childhood, of the aftermath and  fighting to want to live. Never feeling normal.  Today, " survivor"  sounds like verbal sandpaper, rubbing me raw.  Yet I am thankful to be one.  Stronger

My hope is that by sharing my story, I can help another sexual abuse/incest survivor. I know that the road to healing is painful and scary. I'm still walking it.  Our lives are worth putting one foot in front of the other.  Life can be good, We can have joy and love.